Patent Law Bright Idea

Patent Law

Our clients work in all technological areas, including mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science and software, chemistry and chemical engineering, and medicine and biotechnology. Our patent attorneys and agents are all licensed to practice before the USPTO, licensed in various jurisdictions, and admitted before federal and state trial and appellate courts. We understand the years of investment that you and your team have made in your company and technologies. We have a deep understanding of your business and how its success can be tied to the validity and strength of your patents. Our goal is to provide innovative and creative solutions as we navigate the complex web of the application and litigation processes. Further, we have obtained patents in over 100 countries worldwide.

Exemplary Technological Areas

  • industrial manufacturing 
  • automotive and autonomous technologies 
  • aviation, aerospace, and defense electronics 
  • electrical power systems 
  • nuclear energy and physics 
  • computer and data networking 
  • optics and optical networking 
  • wireless and Ethernet technologies 
  • data and network security 
  • data analytics 
  • semiconductors and silicon photonics
  • nanotechnology and precision metrology 
  • high-performance materials 
  • metallurgy and mining 
  • medical and surgical devices and orthopedic implants 
  • advanced medical imaging 
  • electronic medical records and bioinformatics 
  • chemical engineering processes 
  • software and mobile applications 
  • financial services 
  • construction and consumer products.

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